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Courses Available

9 Week Advanced/Residential Course: February 1st - April 2nd, 2021 

Northwest Iowa School of Taxidermy is a residential nine-week program where students acquire a complete working knowledge of four major areas of commercial as well as competition taxidermy. In addition, students will learn added curriculum as well as competition taxidermy. In addition, students will learn added curriculum such as business practices, pricing, airbrushing, fiberglass reproductions, form alteration, mold making, freeze drying and much more.





*Please Call For More Information*


Thank you for your interest in the Northwest Iowa School of Taxidermy. At this time we are not taking any applications for our 2021 classes, as the winter class has been filled and we are not offering any other 2021 classes at this time. Please check our website later in the year for any possible 2022 classes that may be offered.


Tom Matuska

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